CEU Requirements
2023–2025 CEU Requirements (Current)
NEW! NASW-IL CE Worksheet for Licensure
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
More About the Specialty CEU Training Requirements
2021–2023 CEU Requirements (Old)
CEU Requirements for 2023–2025 Licensure
All requirements are subject to change by the department.
For the new licensure renewal cycle starting on December 1, 2023, and expiring on November 30, 2025, all Illinois LSWs and LCSWs who are renewing their license for a second or subsequent time must fulfill the following continuing education requirements. If you are renewing your license for the first time, please see our Licensure Renewal page.
Amended! With removal of the in-person CEU requirement in July 2023, the state now requires that any remote program (e.g., self-study, book-study, or computer/online based course) must include an examination. See our FAQ for more information.
All renewing applicants must obtain a minimum of 30 hours of continuing education (CE) relevant to the practice of social work or clinical social work.
Of these 30 CE hours:
NEW! Clinical Supervision (One-time requirement during lifetime of LCSW license): All LCSWs are required to obtain 6 hours on clinical supervision training during the lifetime of their clinical license. This is a one-time requirement meaning once you have fulfilled the hours, you no longer need to repeat the requirement. Depending on when you obtained your LCSW, there are different deadlines for when you must fulfill the requirement. To find out when your deadline is as well as read more about it, see our More About the Specialty CEU Requirements section below.
Ethics: At least 3 hours must include content related to the ethical practice of social work.
Cultural Competency: At least 3 hours must include content related to cultural competence in the practice of social work. Note: Effective January 1, 2024, Public Act 103-0531 requires that all licensed professionals must obtain at least 1 hour of continuing education in cultural competency. Because social workers are already required to obtain 3 CE hours in cultural competency, this new requirement is redundant (i.e., it doesn't increase the 3-hour CE requirement in cultural competency to 4 hours); however, the department may write rules that specify what content the one-hour cultural competency training must cover. If this comes to pass, we will update this page accordingly.
Implicit Bias Awareness: At least 1 hour must include a training on implicit bias awareness that fulfills content-related requirements.
Mandated Reporter Training with Implicit Bias: A mandated reporter training with a section on implicit bias is required for licensure renewal. There is no timed element (e.g., one hour of CEUs) to fulfill this training requirement, nor does it have to be a CEU, but there are content-related requirements.
Sexual Harassment Prevention Training: A sexual harassment prevention training is required for licensure renewal. You must complete one CEU hour of sexual harassment prevention training unless you have already taken a sexual harassment prevention training from your employer within the current licensure cycle, at which point there is no time or CEU requirement. All education must fulfill content-related requirements. To find out if the course you took fulfills requirements or are self-employed or unemployed but looking to maintain your license, see our More About the Specialty CEU Requirements section below.
Updated! Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias: The department now requires a one-hour (minimum) training on the assessment and diagnosis, effective communication strategies, and management and care planning of individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. This requirement must be fulfilled by all licensees renewing their social work license for the second time, and subsequently, by all licensees once every three licensure cycles afterwards (i.e., one in every six years). This requirement applies to all health care professionals who provide health care services to, and have direct patient interactions with, adult populations age 26 or older in the practice of their profession. This requirement applies to all who work with populations age 26 or older, no matter whether their clients are actively experiencing Alzheimer's disease or other dementias or not. See our More About the Specialty CEU Requirements section below for more about this training requirement.
NASW-IL CE Worksheet for Licensure
For the new licensure cycle starting on December 1, 2023, and ending on November 30, 2025, all renewing LSW and LCSW licensees will need to obtain 30 CEUs. In order to help keep track of all continuing education requirements for LSW and LCSW licensure, we've created the NASW-Illinois Chapter Continuing Education Worksheet for 2023–2025 LSW/LCSW Licensure. Please note this worksheet is NOT an IDFPR-required document but rather a roadmap to help you fulfill all CE requirements. ALL REQUIREMENTS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE.
Download the NASW-Illinois Chapter Continuing Education Worksheet for 2023–2025 LSW/LCSW Licensure by clicking on the PDF logo to the right.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Where's my NASW-IL CEU certificate?
How can I/my organization provide CEUs?
About Renewal
Do I need CEUs for my renewal?
If this is your first time renewing your LSW or LCSW: you do not need to accumulate 30 CEUs for licensure, but you will still need to apply for renewal.
If this is your second or subsequent time renewing: you will need to accumulate CEUs for renewal.
If you are renewing your LCSW for the first time AND want to keep your LSW: you will need to accumulate CEUs for your LSW renewal. NOTE: We do not recommend maintaining your LSW if you have an LCSW.
I took more courses for CEUs than I needed for the last licensure cycle. Can I roll those excess courses over into the current licensure cycle?
If you accumulate more than 30 CEUs in one two-year cycle, the extras do not carry over to the next period. Trainings can only apply to the licensure cycle in which they are taken—that is, a course must be taken during the current licensure cycle (Dec. 1, 2023, through Nov. 30, 2025) to be applied to that same licensure cycle for renewal. A course taken in the previous licensure cycle (i.e., before December 1, 2023) cannot be used for the current licensure cycle (Dec. 1, 2023, through Nov. 30, 2025).
How long do I need to keep my CEU certificates?
Keep records of your CEs on file for at least five years. You don’t need to send proof of your CEUs in with your renewal form unless (1) you are applying after the renewal deadline or (2) you are requested to provide evidence of your continuing education by IDFPR (likely during an audit).
CEU Eligibility
Where are NASW-IL continuing education (CEs) accepted?
The NASW-Illinois Chapter is an approved provider of continuing education for the following professions in Illinois: Licensed Social Workers, Licensed Clinical Social Workers, Licensed Professional Counselors, Licensed Clinical Professional Counselors, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists, Registered Nurses, Advanced Practice Nurses, Licensed Clinical Psychologists, and School Social Workers (PELs). Additionally, we are accepted providers for continuing education by the social work licensing boards in our sister state chapters, Nevada and North Dakota.
What courses are eligible for CEUs in Illinois?
In order for a course to be qualified to provide CEUs in Illinois, they must be from a licensed provider in Illinois. The NASW-Illinois Chapter, the national NASW, and all of our NASW Chapter affiliates are approved providers in Illinois. All recorded courses in the NASW Social Work Online CE Institute will also be accepted in Illinois with completion of our 2023-25 SW Online CE Institute Exam for IL License form. For more about the NASW Social Work Online CE Institute, click here. See below for whether a course will fulfill specialty CEU requirements in Illinois.
Please note that the NASW-Illinos Chapter/NASW is not the licensing board and does not review and approve coursework and education providers for the state of Illinois. To find out if another provider is an approved CEU provider for the state of Illinois, check with IDFPR.
For additional information on approved continuing education, see the Clinical Social Work and Social Work Practice
Will an NASW-IL Chapter training be accepted outside of Illinois?
While NASW-Illinois Chapter continuing education is accepted in many states (including Nevada and North Dakota), ultimately you will need to verify with your state board if education provided by the NASW-Illinois Chapter is accepted by your state board.
What about (X) course I took in Illinois? Will this course I took fulfill specialty CEUs requirements in Illinois?
Contrary to popular belief, NASW/NASW-Illinos Chapter is not the licensing board and does not review and approve coursework and education providers for the state of Illinois. If you are considering taking a course from another provider, check with IDFPR to see if they are an approved CEU provider for the state of Illinois. See also our Ask NASW-IL article, "Will this course count for CEUs in Illinois?"
All NASW-Illinois Chapter courses that fulfill a specialty CEU requirement will be clearly labeled as such in the course description and on the CEU certificate (i.e., "X Cultural Competency CEUs" or "Fulfills IL Implicit Bias Training requirement").
To find out if a course not provided by the NASW-Illinois Chapter fulfills specialty CEU requirements, you will need to review the content of that course and compare against Illinois/IDFPR requirements for those specialty CEUs. See our More About the Specialty CEU Requirements section below for more about specialty CEU requirements.
What about (X) course I took outside of Illinois? Will it qualify for CEUs in Illinois?
The Illinois Department of Financial & Professional Regulation (IDFPR) does not recognize provider numbers from other states unless it is specifically stated in the Social Work Rules (e.g., The NASW-Illinois Chapter, all of our NASW Chapter affiliates, and the NASW Social Work Online CE Institute are all approved providers in Illinois). If you have a CEU certificate issued by a provider in another state, it may not be applicable to your CEU requirement in Illinois. Ultimately, you will need to check with IDFPR to find out if another provider is an approved CEU provider for the state of Illinois.
If a licensee has earned CE hours offered in another state or territory not given by an approved sponsor for which the licensee will be claiming credit toward full compliance in Illinois, the applicant shall submit an out-of-state continuing education approval form, along with a $25 processing fee, prior to participation in the program or at least 90 days prior to expiration of the license. The Board shall review and recommend approval or disapproval of the program using the criteria set forth in subsection (c)(3).
If a licensee fails to submit an out-of-state CE approval form within the required time frame, late approval may be obtained by submitting the approval form with the $25 processing fee, plus a $10 per hour late fee, not to exceed $150. The Board shall review and recommend approval or disapproval of the program using the criteria set forth in subsection (c)(3).
Source: Clinical Social Work and Social Work Practice Act, section 1470.95.
Can a CEU course fulfill 2 CEU specialties at once?
See our previously published Ask NASW-IL article, "Can a CEU course fulfill 2 CEU specialties at once?"
I don't work with older adults—do I still need to fulfill the Alzheimer's training requirement?
See our previously published Ask NASW-IL article, "Do I need the Alzheimer's training requirement if I don't work with older adults?"
Looking for more CEUs or courses that fulfill specialty CEU requirements?
Check out our Events page for a complete list of upcoming live events (both in-person and virtual) as well as our recorded trainings which fulfill CE requirements in ethics, cultural competency, implicit bias awareness, mandated reporter training with implicit bias section, Alzheimer's disease and other dementia, and sexual harassment prevention.
If you're not already an NASW member, you can also sign up to receive our monthly News & Events e-mails which recap the month's latest news as well as provides a list of our current event offerings.
NONMEMBERS - Join the NASW-IL News & Events e-mail list
Remote Programs
What's the examination required for remote programs?
New to this licensure cycle with the removal of the in-person CE requirement, IDFPR now requires that any CEUs obtained via a remote program (e.g., self-study, book-study, or computer/internet based course) must include an examination.
What remote programs are eligible for CEUs in Illinois?
All NASW-Illinois and NASW-Nevada live virtual trainings include an examination and are therefore eligible for CEUs in Illinois.
All recorded courses in the NASW Social Work Online CE Institute will also be accepted in Illinois if you complete our post-event Social Work Online CE Institute Exam for IL License. Please note this form will validate courses taken from the Social Work Online CE Institute for those who hold Illinois licenses (LSW or LCSW) only.
What if I take a remote program from an entity NOT the NASW-Illinois/Nevada Chapters or the Social Work Online CE Institute?
To find out if another provider is an approved CEU provider for the state of Illinois, check with IDFPR. Additionally, you will need to check with the provider to find out if they have fulfilled all remote program requirements to provide CEUs in the state of Illinois, including the requirement to have an exam for all remote programs.
Waiver of CE Requirements
In the event that you have extenuating circumstances which have kept you from accumulating the required CEs, IDFPR allows you to apply for a waiver of the continuing education requirements. If you request a waiver, you must pay a fee and apply for it before the end of the licensure period. IDFPR then examines your request and determines whether you meet the qualifications for a waiver (listed below). You are considered in good standing until the Social Work Licensing and Disciplinary Board makes its final ruling on your request.
A waiver may be granted because of:
Full-time service in the armed forces of the US during a substantial part of the prerenewal period;
An incapacitating illness documented by a statement from a currently licensed physician;
A physical inability to travel to the sites of approved programs documented by a currently licensed physician;
Any other similarly extenuating circumstances.
Obviously, that last category makes the law ambiguous since almost anything could potentially be considered an extenuating circumstance. However, there is no way you can know if you qualify until you pay the fee and file the application. NASW strongly recommends not applying for a waiver if you are unsure whether you qualify. Remember that you are dealing with a government agency not accustomed to making exceptions, and if they do not decide in your favor, you could lose your license. Get your CEUs if at all possible—better to be safe than sorry.
Where's my NASW-IL CEU certificate?
I took a course with the NASW-Illinois Chapter and can't find my certificate. How can I request a duplicate copy?
Please allow up to 45 days for processing of all CEU certificates. All NASW-Illinois Chapter CEU certificates are e-mailed via a third party product, so we strongly urge you to be sure to check and search in all of your e-mails, junk and spam folders, as well as alternate folders (such as "Promotions" folders for Gmail account holders) for your certificate.
To ensure receiving all future event links, materials, and your CEU certificate, be sure to add our events coordinator and and office account e-mails to your e-mail address book/approved sender list.
To request a duplicate copy of a CEU certificate you received for a past NASW-Illinois Chapter training, please submit our Request for Duplicate CEU Certificate form here.
How can I/my organization provide CEUs?
The NASW-Illinois Chapter has developed a procedure to approve programs for continuing education units (CEUs). Go to our Advertising page and click on #4 Co-Sponsorship. Otherwise, contact IDFPR for more information on applying to become an approved provider of CEUs.
Have More Questions?
All specific questions concerning licensure and individual licenses or a particular license application needs to be properly directed to IDFPR as they are ultimately the licensing board who approve of licenses for Illinois. The NASW-Illinois Chapter website also has a plethora of information relating to licensure, from supervision requirements, the licensing process, testing procedures, and more. Go to the NASW-IL Licensure page to read more.
More About the Specialty CEU Training Requirements
Clinical Supervision Training: As of an IDFPR rule change approved on May 14, 2024, all LCSWs are now required to obtain 6 hours on clinical supervision training during the lifetime of their clinical license. This is a one-time requirement meaning it only needs to be fulfilled once during the lifetime of your clinical license (i.e., not repeated every year). This new requirement aligns the social work profession with current requirements for other mental health professions in Illinois. The department will allow you to show proof of prior trainings to satisfy this requirement as long as you have a valid certificate from an authorized provider. There are currently no specific requirements regarding content of the training, just that the training is on clinical supervision. It does not apply to LSWs; only LCSWs.
For existing LCSWs or LCSWs who were licensed before December 1, 2025: Your 6 hours may be split between the 2023–2025 and 2025–2027 licensure cycles—you just have to obtain a total of 6 hours before November 30, 2027.
For all LCSWs licensed after November 30, 2025: You will need to acquire 6 hours of clinical supervision training for your second renewal. This is a one-time requirement as once you have acquired your 6 hours, you will need no additional hours.
Will a course I took on clinical supervision fulfill the requirement?
Scenario 1: If you have obtained 6 or more hours of continuing education on clinical supervision in another state or here in Illinois from an approved CE provider (like the NASW-Illinois Chapter or an NASW affiliate), and you have a copy of your CEU certificate.
You do not need to acquire new continuing education hours on clinical supervision, but if your previous hours were acquired before the current licensure cycle, you cannot count these hours toward the 30 CE hours required for licensure renewal.
Scenario 2: You took trainings on clinical supervision in the past, but you are unable to find a certificate and/or it was held by a non-approved provider.
You would need to acquire 6 new hours of clinical supervision training before November 30, 2027.
>>Take an NASW-IL Supervision Series course. All NASW-IL Supervision Series courses qualify for clinical supervision CEUs in Illinois.
Implicit Bias Awareness Training: All health care professionals must obtain at least one hour of training
on implicit bias awareness as required by 68 Ill. Adm. Code 1130, Subpart E.
>>Take the NASW-IL recorded training, Implicit Bias: From Allyship to Solidarity.
Mandated Reporter Training with Implicit Bias Section: All licensed social workers must complete a
mandated reporter training that includes a section on implicit bias. There is no timed element (e.g., one
hour of CEUs) to fulfill this training requirement; however, there are content-related requirements as
listed in the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act (ANCRA).
>>Take the NASW-IL recorded training, Reflections on Mandated Reporting.
Sexual Harassment Prevention Training: As required by the administrative code and Public Act
102-0308, all licensed social workers must complete a sexual harassment prevention training prior to
renewal. Did you take a sexual harassment prevention training through your Illinois employer which
fulfills requirements as stated by Section 2-109 of the Illinois Human Rights Act (IHRA)?
If YES: Sexual harassment prevention trainings that fulfill IHRA requirements will additionally fulfill the IDFPR requirement for a sexual harassment prevention training for social work licensure renewal. This employer-provided training may: utilize the Department of Human Rights training; be created by your employer utilizing the requirements specified in Section 2-109 of IHRA; or may utilize a provider of education that covers the required content (such as NASW-IL's recorded Sexual Harassment Prevention Training). No timed element is required of the employee-provided sexual harassment prevention training, but there are still content requirements for this scenario as per 68 Ill. Adm. Code 1130, Subpart E.
If NO: If you are self-employed (i.e., employee of one) or live in another state but are looking to maintain your license in Illinois and as such, you are unable to obtain a sexual harassment prevention training through an Illinois employer, you will need to take a sexual harassment prevention training course spanning at least one hour in length. This training may be provided by the Department of Human Rights or any continuing education provider (such as NASW-IL's recorded Sexual Harassment Prevention Training) authorized to provide continuing education for any profession as well as other approved providers as long as the content complies with 68 Ill. Adm. Code 1130, Subpart E.
>>Take the NASW-IL recorded training, Sexual Harassment Prevention Training.
Revised! Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias Training: Effective January 1, 2023, with the
signing of Public Act 102-0399, the department requires a one-hour (minimum) training on the
assessment and diagnosis, effective communication strategies, and management and care planning of
individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias for health care professionals who provide
health care services to, and have direct patient interactions with, adult populations age 26 or older in
the practice of their profession. This training must be at least one hour in length and fulfill content-related requirements as listed in The Department of Professional Regulation Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. A health care professional may count this one hour for completion of this course toward meeting the minimum credit hours required for continuing education.
Updated! Additionally, effective January 1, 2025, with the signing of Public Act 103-0531, Illinois legislators decided to flex out the cycle in which the Alzheimer's disease and other dementias training is required. This was done to alleviate some of the CE requirements on health care professionals. As each individual will vary on when they have completed the training, it is up to the individual to keep track to ensure they are fulfilling the department’s requirements.
This means that for those for whom the Alzheimer’s training is required:
If this is your SECOND renewal: You must fulfill the requirement before the end of your second license renewal period, and thereafter once in every three licensure cycles (i.e., 6 years).
If you have renewed your license more than two times: You must take and complete the course once every three licensure cycles (i.e., 6 years); it will subsequently need to be retaken every six years.
To help clarify which licensure cycle applies to you, please read through our example scenarios below:
>>Take the NASW-IL recorded training, Social Work with Persons Living with Dementia and Their Families: Challenges and Opportunities.