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Pasos para obtener la licencia

NASW-Illinois Chapter membership helps us create guides like the one below to help clarify the steps for obtaining and renewing your license. As the largest membership association in Illinois advocating on behalf of social workers, consider adding your voice to our efforts and join/renew your NASW membership today.








Licensure renewal for licensed social workers (LSWs) and licensed clinical social workers (LCSW) is now available on the Illinois Department of Financial & Professional Regulation (IDFPR) website and renewal portal. E-mail notices were sent out earlier this month by the department to notify all Illinois social workers that the IDFPR portal was now open for renewal of all social work licenses. This means that all Illinois social workers—so long as all renewal requirements have been fulfilled—may now renew their LSW or LCSW licenses in advance of the November 30, 2023, deadline.


TIP! Didn’t get an e-mail notice from IDFPR about your renewal? Make sure IDFPR has up-to-date e-mail and mailing address information for you. See our Licensure Renewal page for links on where to update your e-mail or mailing address with the department. As a reminder from the department, it is the responsibility of each licensee to notify IDFPR of any change of mailing and e-mail addresses. Failure to receive a renewal form from IDFPR shall not constitute an excuse for failure to pay the renewal fee or to renew one's license.


AN IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT RENEWAL: While we at the NASW-Illinois Chapter understand that extenuating circumstances may make it difficult for people to fulfill requirements for licensure renewal, we ultimately do not recommend letting your license lapse. This is due to the excessive costs and effort required to restore a license after it has lapsed. Additionally, please note that failing to complete the renewal of your license will result in a substantial delay in renewing your license to practice. Practice after the expiration of your license shall constitute unlicensed practice which could result in civil/criminal penalties and discipline of your license. Therefore, if you expect to practice social work anytime in the future, even if it’s only a few years, we still strongly recommend maintaining and renewing your social work license.


For steps on how to reinstate/restore your license, visit our Licensure Steps webpage.





Before you begin applying for renewal through the IDFPR portal, you’ll first need to make sure you’ve completed ALL renewal requirements.

  • First time renewing? You do not need to accumulate 30 CEUs for licensure, but you will still need to apply for renewal.

  • Second or subsequent time renewing? You’ll need to obtain the 30 CEUs and apply for renewal.


Check out our Licensure Renewal and CEU Requirements webpages which detail steps for renewal as well as continuing education requirements for the current 2021–2023 licensure cycle. We’ve also created a handy CE Worksheet to help keep track of your trainings to make sure you fulfill all educational requirements!

Once you have fulfilled all renewal requirements, you may begin the next step to apply for licensure renewal.

Important Disclaimer: Please note that all steps and screenshots provided below were accurate at time of printing. The department may change steps or procedures for renewing your license at any given time. Check the IDFPR Social Work webpage for the latest:

1. Go to the IDFPR Online Services Portal and log in to your account:


Don’t know your login or have an account set up? For most people, if you applied for or renewed your license after the launch of the IDFPR Online Services Portal, you may have received an e-mail from the department stating that your license was now available for renewal. You may also have received an additional 2 e-mails containing a username and password for this account. If you received these e-mails, make sure to use the user ID and password provided to log into your account.


If you didn’t apply for/renew your license via the IDFPR Online Services Portal, you’ll need to set up an account with the portal. Follow instructions in the IDFPR document, “Renewal Tips – Individual,” to set up an account.

1 - Portal.png

Captura de pantalla: Página de inicio de sesión principal del portal de servicios en línea del IDFPR

2. Haga clic en la pestaña Servicios en línea ubicada en la parte superior derecha de la página y, debajo de “Renovación/Restablecimiento”, haga clic en Crear/Continuar una renovación para comenzar o continuar una nueva solicitud de licencia.


3. Haga clic en Iniciar para comenzar los pasos para renovar su licencia. En cualquier momento durante el proceso de solicitud, puede hacer clic en los botones Anterior o Siguiente para alternar entre páginas, o en Cerrar y Guardar para guardar su progreso.



3 - Renovación.png

4. Información personal: Complete todas las preguntas en esta página y luego haga clic en Siguiente .

NOTA : Si selecciona “Sí” en la pregunta n.° 2 sobre el cambio de dirección, hemos escuchado de miembros que el formulario no les permite actualizar su dirección y, en su lugar, muestra un mensaje de error que indica que la nueva dirección no es válida debido a que es una dirección internacional. Si este es su caso, tenga en cuenta que se trata de un problema técnico del sistema y que lo estamos informando al IDFPR sobre la dirección. Mientras tanto, consulte nuestra sección “Actualización de su dirección postal con IDFPR” a continuación para averiguar cómo actualizar su dirección en el sistema en otro lugar antes de regresar para completar su solicitud. Alternativamente, puede dejar su dirección como está y completar el proceso de solicitud, luego siga las instrucciones que figuran en nuestra sección “ Actualización de su dirección postal con IDFPR ” para actualizar su dirección de correo electrónico o postal con el departamento.

4 - Información personal.png

5. Inactivo: si no va a colocar su licencia en estado inactivo, seleccione “No” y luego Siguiente .


5 - Inactivo.png

6. Educación continua: Si ha cumplido totalmente con todos los requisitos de educación continua para su licencia, haga clic en “Sí” y luego en Siguiente .

No proceda a enviar su solicitud si no ha cumplido con todos los requisitos de educación continua, incluida la obtención de las 30 horas de CEU (si corresponde). Consulte nuestras preguntas frecuentes a continuación para obtener más información.

6 - Educación continua.png

7. Orden de manutención infantil: Si no tiene más de 30 días de retraso en el cumplimiento de una orden de manutención infantil, seleccione “No” y luego Siguiente .


7 - Orden de manutención infantil.png

8. Denuncia de abuso infantil y de ancianos: Lea las declaraciones sobre denuncia de abuso infantil y de ancianos, luego seleccione “Sí” y luego Siguiente .


8 - Denuncia de abuso infantil y de ancianos.png

9. Acusado o condenado: Responda todas las preguntas de la página y luego haga clic en Siguiente .


9 - Charged or Convicted.png

10. Revisar: Revisa toda la información y las respuestas a las preguntas para comprobar que sean correctas. Cuando hayas confirmado que toda la información enviada es correcta, haz clic en Finalizar .

Es posible que observe en esta página que la tarifa total para renovar su solicitud asciende a $0.00 dólares. Como recordatorio, el gobernador de Illinois, JB Pritzker, eximió de la tarifa de renovación de licencia de $60.00* a los trabajadores sociales en este ciclo de licencias como agradecimiento a los socorristas por su trabajo durante la crisis de COVID-19 de 2020. Tenga en cuenta que se trata de una exención única. Consulte nuestro artículo de abril de 2022 cuando anunciamos la exención o nuestro artículo de mayo de 2022 cuando el IDFPR anunció la publicación de una sección de preguntas frecuentes.

*Si ya ha utilizado la exención de tarifa para una solicitud anterior para convertirse en trabajador social, es posible que se le solicite que pague la tarifa de renovación de $60.00.

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11. Una vez que haya completado y enviado su solicitud, debería recibir por correo electrónico un recibo de pago de IDFPR que indique que se ha completado su transacción. Actualmente, IDFPR dice que debe esperar de 2 a 4 días para que su licencia se registre en sus sistemas y para que se actualice.

Instrucciones abreviadas para la renovación

A continuación se muestra una galería de diapositivas con pasos abreviados y capturas de pantalla para el proceso de renovación a través del Portal de servicios en línea del IDFPR . Haga clic para ver una versión rápida y resumida del proceso de renovación.

Cómo actualizar su dirección postal con IDFPR

Lamentablemente, algunos miembros nos han dicho que la aplicación IDFPR no permite que los solicitantes actualicen su dirección postal dentro de la aplicación y, en su lugar, les muestra un mensaje de error que indica que su nueva dirección no es válida debido a que es una dirección internacional. Si este es su caso, tenga en cuenta que se trata de un problema técnico del sistema y que lo estamos informando a IDFPR para que lo corrija.

Mientras tanto, consulte los pasos que se indican a continuación para actualizar su dirección en el portal del IDFPR antes de volver a su solicitud para completar el proceso de renovación. Alternativamente, puede dejar su dirección tal como está y completar el proceso de solicitud, luego siga las instrucciones que se indican a continuación para actualizar su dirección de correo electrónico o postal en el departamento.

Para cambiar su dirección en el sistema IDFPR :

1. Guarde los cambios en su aplicación, ya que necesitará regresar a la página principal del portal.

2. Vaya a la página principal del portal IDFPR: .

3. Haga clic en la pestaña Servicios en línea ubicada en la parte superior derecha de la página y, debajo de “Información de la cuenta”, haga clic en Cambio de dirección para comenzar o continuar una nueva solicitud de licencia.

4. Una vez que haya actualizado su dirección y guardado los cambios, regrese nuevamente a la página principal del portal, haga clic en Servicios en línea y luego en Crear/Continuar una renovación para continuar con el envío de su solicitud de renovación.

Step One
Step Two
11 - Cambio de dirección.png

Don’t forget that NASW-Illinois Chapter membership dollars allow for us to track changes in licensure and create customized tutorials like the one above to help Illinois social workers easily maintain their license. To continue seeing products like these that help make your job easier, join/renew your NASW membership today.


What do I need to renew my license?

Check out our Licensure Renewal and CEU Requirements webpages which detail steps for renewal as well as continuing education requirements for the current 2021–2023 licensure cycle. We’ve also created a handy CE Worksheet to help keep track of your trainings to make sure you fulfill all educational requirements!

Do I need CEUs for my renewal?
  • If this is your FIRST TIME renewing your LSW or LCSW: you do not need to accumulate 30 CEUs for licensure, but you will still need to apply for renewal.

  • If this is your SECOND or SUBSEQUENT TIME renewing: you will need to accumulate CEUs for renewal.

  • If you are renewing your LCSW for the first time AND want to keep your LSW: you will need to accumulate CEUs for your LSW renewal. NOTE: We do not recommend maintaining your LSW if you have an LCSW.


Can I apply for renewal if I have [any number] less than 30 hours of education acquired toward my license?

You cannot. An essential step in the renewal process asks you to certify that you have completed all renewal requirements which includes having obtained all 30 hours of continuing education for your license. Not only would it be unethical to answer this question untruthfully, it could create additional regulatory issues if you are ever audited and it shows you never finished your requirements despite attesting to that.


Is there still a requirement to obtain 15 CEUs via face-to-face, in-person instruction?

As reported by the chapter back in July, IDFPR officially removed the in-person continuing education requirement from social work licensure. You can now obtain your continuing education hours using any combination of hours both in-person and live virtual. The rule modification changes nothing if you have already obtained 15 hours via in-person instruction as you will still be able to apply those in-person hours toward renewal.


Our membership was critical in our push to get this monumental requirement lifted from licensure. If you want to continue seeing rule changes like these that modernize the licensure renewal process for social workers in Illinois, join our collective of members who pool together their time, knowledge, and resources to share with peers for a better, more diverse, and more equitable social work profession—join or renew your NASW membership today.


Where can I find more CEUs or courses that fulfill one of the specialty CEU requirements?

We’re hosting our annual 2023 NASW Chapters Conference on November 2 & 3, 2023.

This live virtual conference offers up to 11.0 CEUs including CEUs fulfilling requirements

for ethics, cultural competency, and suicide prevention. Find out more at:


You can also check out our Events page for a complete list of upcoming live events (both

in-person and virtual) as well as our recorded trainings which covering a wide assortment

of topics including specialty CEU requirements such as ethics, cultural competency,

implicit bias awareness, mandated reporter training with implicit bias section, Alzheimer's

disease and other dementia, and sexual harassment prevention.


If you’re not already an NASW member, you can sign up to receive our monthly News & Events e-mails which recap the month's latest news as well as provides a list of our current event offerings.

*NASW-IL members already receive a dedicated news and events e-mails from the chapter. If you believe you have unsubscribed yourself from these malings, please contact national NASW Member Services to opt back in to receiving chapter e-mails.

How can I get a copy of my updated license?

IDFPR has gone paperless and is no longer mailing paper licenses. Currently, the department is estimating 2 business days to have your license posted in their system and updated with the renewal date. Once that has been done, you should receive a follow-up e-mail from the department with instructions and a direct URL to print your license through their “Print My License” portal.


I got more than 30 hours of credit. Can I roll the extras over into the next licensure cycle?

Trainings only apply to the licensure cycle in the year which they are taken. That is, a course taken before December 1, 2021, cannot be applied toward the 2021–2023 licensure cycle. Therefore, if you accumulate more than 30 CEs in one two-year cycle, the extras do not carry over to the next period.

Where do I send my CEUs? How long do I need to keep my CEUs?

Currently, you do not need to send proof of your CEUS with your online renewal application unless you are applying for renewal after the deadline or if requested by IDFPR. In the meanwhile, we suggest keeping record of your CEUs on file for at least five years.


How do I know if a specific training/conference will be accepted by IDFPR for my renewal?

CEs must be from a licensed provider in Illinois. The NASW-Illinois Chapter and all of our NASW Chapter affiliates as well as the NASW Social Work Online CE Institute are approved providers in Illinois. Please note that the NASW-Illinos Chapter/NASW is not the licensing board and does not review and approve coursework and education providers for the state of Illinois. To find out if another provider is an approved CEU provider for the state of Illinois, check with IDFPR.


How will I know if a course fulfills specialty CEU requirements in Illinois?

If you take a live training with the NASW-Illinois Chapter or a recorded NASW-Illinois Chapter training through the Social Work Online CE Institute, our course descriptions and certificates will clearly state whether a course will fulfill IDFPR specialty CE requirements. If you're unsure if a non–NASW-Illinois Chapter training fulfills a specialty requirement, you will need to review administrative rules and the law creating the requirement to verify compliance. Alternatively, you can ask the CEU provider to find out if their course fulfills Illinois state requirements.


Can a CEU course fulfill 2 CEU specialties at once? That is, if I take a mandated reporter training that has an implicit bias section, will that also fulfill the 1-hour implicit bias training requirement? What about a course that covers topics of cultural competency and ethics—can one course fulfill two different CEU requirements?

In short, no. If you take a course that fulfills one specialty requirement, you will have to take another course to fulfill the other specialty requirements. That is, if you take a course like our recorded NASW-IL training, "Interrupting Bias: A Mandated Reporter’s Responsibility to Act," the course will fulfill IDFPR requirements for a mandated reporter training with implicit bias section but you cannot use it to also fulfill implicit bias awareness requirements—you will still need to take an additional training that covers a minimum of one hour on implicit bias awareness. The same can be said of a course that may appear to cover ethics and cultural competency topics at the same time—CEUs from such a course can only be used to fulfill either an ethics requirement OR the cultural competency requirement, not both.


Do I need the Alzheimer's training requirement if I don't work with older adults?

This educational requirement applies to health care professionals who provide health care services to, and have direct patient interactions with, adult populations age 26 or older in the practice of their profession. Whether or not you work with clients who actively show signs of Alzheimer's disease or dementia, the requirement states that if you work with clients who are age 26 or older, you must fulfill the Alzheimer's disease and other dementias training requirement. Check out our recorded training, “Social Work with Persons Living with Dementia and Their Families: Challenges and Opportunities,” if you’re still looking for a course to fulfill the IL state requirement for a course on Alzheimer’s and other dementias.


Can I seek a waiver of CEU requirements? What if I can’t get enough CEUs by the deadline?

While IDFPR allows you to apply for a waiver of the continuing education requirements, it is subject to their approval. We at the NASW-Illinois Chapter strongly recommend that you do not apply for a waiver unless you are sure that you qualify. Remember that you are dealing with a government agency not accustomed to making exceptions, and if they do not decide in your favor, you could lose your license. Get your CEUs if at all possible—better to be safe than sorry. For full details on a waiver of CEU requirements, see the Clinical Social Work and Social Work Practice Act, section 1470.95.


How can I keep on top of changes to my license?

One of the benefits of NASW membership is continued monitoring and communication about changes in social work licensure as well as representation when we speak to government entities about how laws impact the profession. To lend your voice in our efforts, join or maintain your NASW membership today:

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