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La supervisión es una parte integral de la profesión de trabajo social. Contribuye al crecimiento y desarrollo profesional del trabajador social y mejora los resultados clínicos para los clientes. El objetivo de la supervisión es mejorar las habilidades y conocimientos profesionales de los trabajadores sociales para brindar atención de calidad a los clientes.

Esta página contiene información sobre los requisitos de supervisión para trabajadores sociales con licencia (LSW) y trabajadores sociales clínicos con licencia (LCSW), así como el Registro de supervisores del capítulo de NASW-Illinois para ayudar a encontrar un supervisor. a nivel local y los cursos de la Serie de Supervisión del Capítulo NASW-Illinois.




¿Necesito horas de supervisión para el LSW?

  • Si obtuvo un título de un programa de posgrado de trabajo social aprobado por CSWE, no necesita obtener horas de supervisión.

  • Si obtuvo un título de un programa universitario de pregrado en ciencias sociales aprobado por CSWE, deberá obtener tres (3) años de experiencia profesional supervisada después de obtener el título.

¿Qué se considera “supervisión” para el LSW?

La experiencia profesional supervisada es aquella experiencia directamente relacionada con el trabajo social según se define en la Sección 3(9) de la Ley . La experiencia deberá ser:

  1. Obtenido bajo la supervisión directa de un trabajador social certificado registrado bajo la Ley de Registro de Trabajadores Sociales, un trabajador social clínico autorizado, un trabajador social autorizado, un diplomático en trabajo social clínico, un miembro designado de ACSW u otro supervisor apropiado aprobado por la Junta (incluidos otros profesionales de salud mental clínica autorizados).

  2. Satisfactorio según la evaluación del supervisor. El supervisor deberá haberse reunido con la persona un promedio de al menos 4 horas al mes.

Preguntas frecuentes sobre la supervisión


¿Necesito horas de supervisión para el LCSW?

  • Las personas que posean un título de maestría en trabajo social deberán haber completado 3.000 horas de experiencia profesional clínica satisfactoria y supervisada con posterioridad a la obtención del título.

  • Las personas que posean un título de doctorado en trabajo social deberán haber completado 2.000 horas de experiencia profesional clínica satisfactoria y supervisada con posterioridad a la obtención del título.

De estas horas, el número de horas requerido podrá haberse obtenido de las siguientes maneras:

  • Para experiencia a tiempo completo, un mínimo de 30 horas por semana pero no más de 40 horas por semana.

  • Para experiencia a tiempo parcial, no más de 29 horas por semana.

¿Qué se considera “experiencia profesional clínica” para el LCSW?

La experiencia supervisada será experiencia directamente relacionada con la práctica del trabajo social clínico según se define en la Sección 3(5) de la Ley de Trabajo Social Clínico y Práctica del Trabajo Social , es decir, “la prestación de servicios de salud mental para la evaluación, el tratamiento y la prevención de trastornos mentales y emocionales en individuos, familias y grupos basados en el conocimiento y la teoría de estructuras teóricas aceptadas profesionalmente, incluyendo, entre otras, el desarrollo psicosocial, el comportamiento, la psicopatología, la motivación inconsciente, las relaciones interpersonales y el estrés ambiental”.

Preguntas frecuentes sobre la supervisión

Registro de seguimiento de horas de supervisión clínica



Do I need hours to utilize alternative to licensure exam path?

To utilize the alternative to the licensure exam for LCSWs, an applicant may use professional work experience as a social worker. ​These additional hours cannot be the same 3,000 clinical supervision hours, acquired under the supervision of an LCSW, which were required to qualify to take the LCSW licensure exam. 


What qualifies as “professional social work experience” for the purposes of the additional 3,000 hours?

  • Completion of an additional 3,000 hours of professional experience as a social worker obtained within the last 10 years (prior to submission of alternative hours) and have those hours signed off by an LCSW or clinical professional as defined in rules. These hours are not 3,000 additional clinical supervision hours but rather professional experience hours which may consist of: social services to individuals, groups, or communities in any one or more of the fields of social casework, social group work, community organization for social welfare, social work research, social welfare administration, school social work, or social work education. Supervised professional experience may also include supervised clinical social work as described in Section 1470.20 of the Social Work Practice Act assuming these hours were not also used for your 3,000 clinical supervision hours to qualify to take the exam.

  • There is no requirement per month to meet with your supervisor for these hours to qualify.

  • The hours must have been acquired AFTER completion of your MSW and can occur before or after you completed your 3,000 clinical supervision hours with an LCSW.​

  • Beginning January 1, 2026, the applicant must have acquired an LSW or PEL with School Support Personnel Endorsements  in School Social Work prior to acquiring their alternative hours. Until January 1, 2026, the department is accepting hours post-MSW that may have been acquired while the applicant did not have an LSW or PEL with School Support Personnel Endorsements in School Social Work.  


Who qualifies to sign off on “professional social work experience” for the purposes of the additional 3,000 hours?

  • The additional hours should be signed off by a licensed clinical social worker (LCSW). If an LCSW is not available to sign off on the hours, the department currently allows the following professions to sign off on the alternative hours:

    • Licensed clinical professional counselor (LCPC), licensed marriage and family therapist (LMFT), licensed clinical psychologist (LCP), or licensed psychiatrist (LP) as defined in Section 1-121 of the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Code [405 ILCS 5/1-121]

    • Licensed advanced practice psychiatric nurse (LAPN) as defined in Section 1-101.3 of the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Code [405 ILCS 5/1-101.3].

NOTE: The above professions can only sign off on the alternative to the exam hours; only an LCSW can supervise and sign off on the mandated 3,000 clinical supervision hours required to apply for an LCSW.

  • The person signing off on the hours should be able to verify the hours were completed and can attest the applicant's performance was satisfactory or better.

Acerca de la Supervisión

What additional requirements are there for LCSW licensure supervision?

Rules for the Clinical Social Work and Social Work Practice Act (Section 1470.20 Professional Experience) further list requirements for the supervisor:

  • The supervisor shall have met with the applicant an average of at least 4 hours each month to discuss client cases and treatment procedures.

  • Only experience supervised by an LCSW will be acceptable to meet the professional experience requirement. If supervision was in another jurisdiction in which clinical social workers are not licensed, the supervisor shall have been engaged in clinical social work and be credentialed at the highest level required by that jurisdiction.

  • The experience shall have been evaluated by the supervisor as satisfactory.

  • An applicant may contract with an LCSW to provide supervision

  • Supervision may be provided within an agency of employment or outside the agency.

  • Supervision may be paid or unpaid.

  • Supervision may be on an individual or group basis. When group supervision is provided, the number of supervisees may not exceed five.

  • Supervisor may also need to fulfill continuing education requirements for supervision.


Do my supervision hours expire?

While the hours of supervision themselves do not expire, the licensure application expires after three years (from the date it is received and entered into IDFPR's system). If a person waited two years after their application expired to reapply, they would be told that they needed to resubmit all supporting documents, including proof of experience. (Expired applications are generally destroyed after 6 months unless the applicant reapplies before then.) If you switch supervisors at any point during the process, we strongly encourage that you get your previous supervisor to sign off on all hours acquired before moving on to a new supervisor.


Can an LSW be considered as an independent contractor in Illinois?

Licensed Social Workers may not engage in the independent practice of clinical social work without a clinical social worker license. This includes the prohibition of LSWs from being 1099 independent contractors, but rather must be employees of your organization or practice. 


Independent practice of clinical social work means providing the services of or engaging in the practice of clinical social work, as defined in Section 3(5) of the Act, by an individual who regulates and is responsible for her or his own practice or treatment procedures. (Section 1470.97 Independent Practice of Clinical Social Work in the Clinical Social Work and Social Work Practice Act) 

Can an LSW provide clinical social work services?

Licensed Social Workers may provide clinical social work services as set forth in Section 3(5). When engaging in or providing clinical social work services as set forth in Section 3(5), an LSW may only do so under the order, control, and full professional responsibility of a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, a licensed clinical psychologist, or a psychiatrist, as defined in Section 1-121 of the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Code [405 ILCS 5] and shall not regulate or be responsible for his/her own practice or treatment procedures. (Section 1470.97 Independent Practice of Clinical Social Work in the Clinical Social Work and Social Work Practice Act)

When providing clinical social work services as set forth in Section 3(5) of the Act (in the independent practice of clinical social work), a Licensed Social Worker shall always operate and represent himself/herself as an employee of the independent practice and may not work as an independent contractor as defined by Internal Revenue Service regulations.

Can supervision hours be completed remotely?

Clinical supervision hours may be obtained virtually, although best practices recommend that supervision take place face-to-face either in person or virtually. Both supervisor and supervisee should also be aware of any applicable jursidictional and licensure issues when working remotely. Professional clinical experience obtained while an applicant is located in Illinois must be supervised by an Illinois licensed clinical social worker (LCSW).

Can the clinical practice one engages in toward the required supervised hours be remote?

Yes, the clinical practice hours one engages in to receive clinical supervision hours from a supervisor may be obtained through remote (telehealth) or in-person practice. However, as stated above, supervision should be face-to-face either in person or virtually. Both supervisor and supervisee should also be aware of any applicable jursidictional and licensure issues when working remotely.

Where can I find a supervisor?

Most agencies have a licensed clinical social worker on staff that will qualify as a supervisor. This person does NOT have to be your direct supervisor, but you do have to meet with them the minimum required hours per month. See below for more information on the NASW-Illinois Chapter Supervisor Registry.


The NASW-Illinois Chapter Clinical Supervision Hours Tracking Log is a practical tool aimed to support you in your journey toward obtaining your Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) license.

Although maintaining a log of supervision hours is mandatory, our tracking log is neither approved nor required by the Illinois Department of Financial & Professional Regulation (IDFPR). You have the flexibility to record your hours in any format that fulfills the licensure requirements.

The NASW-IL Clinical Supervision Hours Tracking Log aligns with the newly updated IDFPR Verification of Employment/Experience Form (VE-SW). The VE-SW is required by the department to be completed at the completion of your supervision hours with your supervisor.






Understanding the NASW-IL Clinical
Supervision Hours Tracking Log
Page 1: Purpose

This page includes detailed information about the purpose of the tracking log and valuable guidance on supervision.


Page 2: Professional Experience Eligible for Clinical Hours

This page outlines various work experiences that could qualify for clinical hours in Illinois. While a range of activities can contribute to acquiring these hours, it is crucial for both the applicant and the supervisor to remain focused on the primary goal—achieving sufficient competency in clinical social work practice. This competency is necessary for the applicant to qualify for a license to practice clinical social work independently. Therefore, the primary work experiences should directly reflect and support this objective.


Page 3: Clinical Supervision Hours Tracking Log

The initial fields of the tracking log (Month/Year through Name of and Address of Worksite) will likely remain consistent across most of your monthly logs. To save time, we recommend completing this information once and either saving the log digitally or printing multiple copies for future use. Completing these fields is essential as they mirror the required information on the VE-SW.


On the line labeled Total number of clinical work hours acquired this month (maximum of 40hr/week), enter the total number of hours worked in that particular month that qualify for clinical hours (refer to page 2 for examples). Please note that for the purposes of clinical supervision, you cannot exceed 40 hours per week, even if you have worked more than 40 hours.


The next section includes the following fields:

Date of Supervision: _____________________________________

Choose or Circle One: Individual or Group

Length of supervision: _________________________________


To ensure your clinical hours count toward the required number, you must meet with a supervisor for at least 4 hours each month. We have provided four sections to log these hours for those meeting one hour per week. If you meet in longer sessions, such as all 4 hours at once, you do not need to use all the lines. Simply ensure that the total in the section labeled “Total hours of supervision this month” equals at least 4 hours.


The next section should be completed by your supervisor:


The applicant's performance was satisfactory or better (Choose or circle answer): YES / NO

The above indicated clinical experience has been documented by myself and has been performed by the applicant pursuant to my order, control, and full professional and legal responsibility as a supervisor. I do hereby declare that the information contained herein is true and correct.

Name of Supervisor: __________________________

Supervisor Signature: ________________________ Date: ___________

Again, these fields mimic the VE-SW, and we strongly encourage you to have your supervisor circle the appropriate answer and sign this monthly.

The final line is for your personal records. After your supervisor has signed off on your hours, total all your accrued hours to date and record the sum at the bottom.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
About the Tracking Log

We will update this section as questions arise. The following was correct at the time of printing. However, rules are subject to change, and we recommend that you verify requirements if you have questions. For the complete article, click here.

Do I have to use this tracking log? 

No, this log was created by the NASW-Illinois Chapter to assist you in logging and tracking your clinical hours. While we strongly recommend usage of this tracking log or a method of logging your hours that mimic the VE-SW form, you are only required to log your hours. At the completion of your clinical hours, you will need to have your supervisor complete the VE-SW form through IDFPR.


I already have a log for my hours—do I have to use this tracking log now? 

No. If you are happy with how you are currently logging your hours, you are free to continue using that method. This tracking log is entirely voluntary and meant only as a tool to help you track your hours in a way that better protects your process.


Has IDFPR approved this tracking log? 

No. The state currently only requires you to maintain a log of your hours and to have your supervisor complete the VE-SW form upon completion of your clinical hours. This tracking log was designed to help you track your clinical hours effectively. The department does not require any specific format for the tracking log.


Do supervisors refuse to complete the VE-SW?

While it is incredibly rare, situations can arise where a supervisor is unable or unwilling to sign off on all of your hours on the VE-SW at the end of your supervision period. We specifically designed the tracking log to provide you with the best support for an appeal in such cases. Additionally, the VE-SW requires supervisors to certify that your work is satisfactory or better. It is beneficial to know early on if there are concerns about the quality of your work so you can address them before investing significant time and money in completing your clinical hours.


What’s the difference between clinical work hours and hours of supervision? 

In the social work field, terms are often used interchangeably, leading to confusion, and there is no consistency in definitions across state licensure practices. In Illinois, an MSW must accumulate 3,000 clinical work hours. These are the hours worked each week—not exceeding 40 hours—that qualify (i.e., clinical work hours. For these weekly hours to count toward your 3,000 clinical work hours, you must spend at least 4 hours per month with your supervisor reviewing your work (i.e., hours of supervision).

To read our complete article with additional FAQ, click here.


El Capítulo de Illinois de la NASW ha creado el Registro de Supervisores del Capítulo de Illinois de la NASW (ver a la derecha) para los graduados en trabajo social que buscan un supervisor fuera de su empleo actual. Los participantes del programa que figuran en el registro proporcionaron toda la información personal que se incluye en las siguientes páginas. El Capítulo de Illinois de la NASW no es responsable de la exactitud de la información contenida en este documento. Los supervisados deben confirmar el estado de la licencia con el Departamento de Regulación Financiera y Profesional de Illinois (IDFPR) antes de obtener la supervisión. La inclusión en este documento no denota el respaldo o la recomendación del Capítulo de Illinois de la NASW; más bien, solo indica que los trabajadores sociales incluidos en la lista cumplen con los criterios para su inclusión en este registro. Los honorarios o los requisitos de supervisión los establece el supervisor; el Capítulo de Illinois de la NASW no forma parte de ese acuerdo.

¿Desea ser agregado al Registro de Supervisores de NASW-IL? Todos los participantes del registro han completado lo siguiente: han completado el curso de cuatro horas de la NASW-Illinois Chapter, Fundamentals of Individual Clinical Social Work Supervision Course; son trabajadores sociales clínicos con licencia (LCSW) en regla con el IDFPR al momento de su inclusión en el Registro de Supervisores de la NASW-Illinois Chapter; y deben cumplir con el Código de Ética de la NASW.

Si experimenta algún comportamiento poco ético por parte de un supervisor de nuestro registro, comuníquese con el Comité de Ética del Capítulo de NASW-Illinois (CEC) para una consulta ética.

Para obtener una lista de las próximas fechas de los cursos, consulte el calendario de cursos a continuación .


A menudo, recibimos preguntas de supervisores primerizos que nos preguntan: ¿Qué debo hacer o completar para convertirme en supervisor en Illinois? Lamentablemente, la cuestión es que, más allá de lo que se define en las Normas de trabajo social (Sección 1470.20 Experiencia profesional), el estado no tiene una definición clara de las mejores prácticas para ser un buen supervisor.

El Capítulo de Illinois de la NASW considera que es esencial capacitar a los supervisores para que sean buenos supervisores y éticos que interactúen de manera eficaz con sus supervisados. Por ello, hemos desarrollado nuestra Serie de Supervisión, una serie de tres cursos dirigidos a supervisores nuevos y experimentados sobre cómo interactuar de manera eficaz, legal y ética con sus supervisados, así como sobre estrategias básicas para una supervisión individual o grupal eficaz:

  • Fundamentos de la supervisión individual del trabajo social clínico

  • Supervisión de Trabajo Social Clínico II

  • Supervisión de grupos en trabajo social

¿No ve una fecha que se ajuste a su horario? Tenga en cuenta que estos cursos se ofrecen de manera continua, según el interés. Haga clic aquí para agregarse a la lista de espera de cursos de supervisión y recibir alertas sobre capacitaciones futuras.

Tracking Log
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