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Licensure Steps

There are two levels of licensure in Illinois: licensed social worker (LSW) and licensed clinical social worker (LCSW). This page contains information on becoming an LSW or LCSW as well as how to transfer your license from another state and reinstating/restoring lapsed license.





ATTENTION: The Illinois Department of Financial & Professional Regulation (IDFPR) transitioned from a paper application to an online application process in summer 2024. Initial reports are showing that applicants applying via the online application process are being processed much faster than those applying via paper application. While the paper application is still being accepted, for fastest results, the department and NASW-Illinois Chapter recommend applying through the IDFPR Online Services Portal which can expedite how quickly your application is processed.

Support documents if using the online portal:

This section is for first-time LSW applicants.

LSWs are authorized to practice social work which includes social services to individuals, groups or communities in any one or more of the fields of social casework, social group work, a community organization for social welfare, social work research, social welfare administration or social work education. LSWs may engage in clinical social work practice, as long as it is under the direct supervision and control of a licensed clinical professional. LSWs may not create an independent private practice and engage in independent clinical social work. There are additional billing restrictions and fields that require an LCSW, so please consult your employer or billing entity if you have concerns.



As of January 1, 2022, the ASWB examination is no longer required for LSW licensure in Illinois. Therefore, if you are looking to practice with clients in the state of Illinois, you do not need to take the ASWB exam to become an LSW.

However, if you are looking to move to another state and/or you wish to get licensed in another state in addition to Illinois, that state may require an ASWB examination in order to practice. To find out whether the state in which you are planning to practice requires an ASWB exam, you must contact the licensing board of that state. Every state will be different regarding their process and requirements.

For those seeking accomodations: For those who need special services and testing accommodations to take the ASWB exam, please see our FAQ below on how to request accommodations.


You do not need CEUs to apply for licensure.


You will need to apply to the Illinois Department of Financial & Professional Regulation (IDFPR) which licenses and regulates all licensed professions in the state.

Step One: You must fulfill/obtain the following LSW licensure requirements:

  1. Be of good moral character.

  2. A degree from a CSWE–approved graduate program of social work,


       A degree from a CSWE–approved undergraduate program of social work, AND

       3 years of supervised professional experience.

Step Two: Complete the Application.

01/27/25 UPDATE: The Illinois Department of Financial & Professional Regulation (IDFPR) transitioned from a paper application to an online application process in summer 2024. Initial reports are showing that applicants applying via the online application process are being processed much faster than those applying via paper application. While the paper application is still being accepted, for fastest results, the department and NASW-Illinois Chapter recommend applying through the IDFPR Online Services Portal which can expedite how quickly your application is processed.

​To Apply Online:

  1. Log into the IDFPR Online Services Portal. If this is your first time applying, you will need to create a new account by clicking on "New Applications."

  2. If applying online, you will need to download the VE-SW form (Social Work Verification of Supervision & Experience) and ED form (Certification of Education) from the IDFPR website.

NOTE: Immediately following are step-by-step instructions for completing each field within the paper application forms. While the department has switched to an online application, you can still use the information provided to complete each section of the online application.

To Apply via Paper Application:

Download the Licensed Social Worker Application

Complete the application in full. We have included a comprehensive list below of sections to complete within the application. Please note these fields are subject to change in the event that IDFPR updates their application.

Application for Licensure and/or Examination:

  • Part I, A | Check the box if you any of the options apply to you.

  • Part I, B | Profession Name: Licensed Social Worker / Profession Code: 150 / Licensure Method: Non-Examination / Fee: $50.00 - If you are submitting a paper application you can now pay this fee online at:

  • Part I, C | Select the box that applies to you.

  • Part II | Complete your contact information. Please note if any of the supporting information you will be required to provide (like college transcripts) will be different than the name you provide in this section; you will also need to include in your application proof of your name change. Additionally, be sure to provide a personal e-mail address you have direct access to (i.e., not an e-mail account connected to your employer) as this will be the e-mail address the department will contact regarding updates to your license including renewal notices.

  • Part III | Complete sections 1–6 with your high school and college information. Skip section 7.

  • Part IV | List all previous licenses you have had including related licenses and the state where you acquired the license. If you have never previously had a social work license or related license, mark this section with “N/A.”

  • Part V | You must include all previous attempts and requested information in this section at this time. NASW-IL is currently advocating for this section to be removed for LSWs; however, until we receive guidance from the department, we recommend you still complete this section in full. If you have never taken the ASWB exam for the LSW, mark this section with “N/A.”

  • Part VI | Answer all questions regarding your personal history.

  • Part VII | Skip this section.

  • Part VIII | You must answer each question in this section.

  • Part IX | Sign and date the document.

  • Don't forget to write your name, social security number or ITIN, and “Licensed Social Worker” on the right-hand border of your application where requested.


Supporting Documents:

  • If your name differs on any supporting document from what you provided in Part II of the application, you must include proof of name change (marriage license, divorce, court orders, etc.).

  • If you selected yes to any question in Part V of the application, include signed written statements, supporting documents, and/or certificates as requested.

  • As of July 2024, IDFPR department officials have confirmed that they will accept official digital signatures on the ED, VE-SW, and CT forms. They will also accept a digital signature on paper applications.


NOTE: The following forms are included within the IDFPR application:

PHQ – Health Care Workers Additional Personal History Questions

  • Complete sections 1, 2, and 4.

  • Check the box next to “Licensed Social Workers”

  • Answer questions 1–4. If you select yes to any of these questions, you will need to provide the requested documentation.

  • Sign, date, and include your e-mail address.


ED – Certification of Education

  • To submit your LSW application with the ED form:

    1. Complete sections 1–8 (#5 = Licensed Social Worker, Code 150)

    2. Sign and date the form.

    3. Give this form to your school to complete, sign, and return to you.


  • To submit your LSW application with an official transcript in lieu of the ED form:

After graduation, have a copy of your official transcript sent directly from your school to IDFPR. Keep in mind you must wait until after graduation to have this transcript sent as the final transcript must indicate that your degree was awarded.


VE-SW Form – Verification of Employment/Experience (Only complete this form if your highest social work degree is a BSW.)

IMPORTANT NOTE: You will need to print and complete TWO duplicates of this form, one to submit to IDFPR and the second to retain for your records. Both forms MUST have original signatures from your supervisor(s); do not photocopy as the department will not accept forms with photocopied signatures.

  • Complete sections 1–10 (#5 = Licensed Social Worker, Code 150)

  • Section 11: If your highest degree held is a bachelor's degree, select "Bachelors degree + 3 years experience for LSW."

  • Have your supervisor complete Part I, sections A through M, and P in both forms, then return to you in two sealed envelopes. One envelope should be included with your application; the second envelope should be stored for safekeeping. Make sure to inform your supervisor that they must provide signatures on both forms as photocopies will not be accepted by the department. If you had more than one job during your 3 years of supervised work, have every supervisor complete these forms for each job totaling your required hours.


CT Form – Certification by Licensing Agency/Board (Only complete this form if you have a license in social work in another state and wish to transfer it)

Step Three: Submit your forms to IDFPR. Once you have completed the application and forms with ALL supplementary documentation and have the application fee*, mail everything to IDFPR (see mailing address in application). IDFPR should notify you within 4 to 6 weeks if your application is accepted. Processing times may vary greatly with the department. If you want to find out the status of an application, the best way to check is to contact IDFPR about the status of your application. Additionally, you can go to the IDFPR website and use the License Look Up feature. After selecting “Social Worker” for License Type, type in your first and last name. If you are licensed, you should see your name with your license number.

*If you are submitting paper applications for licensure - make your payment here:

Step Four: IDFPR Application Processing Times

As of January 2024, department application processing times for ALL Illinois professions has been delayed even longer than normal. If you want to find out the status of an application, the best way to check is to contact IDFPR about the status of your application. Additionally, you can go to the IDFPR website and use the License Look Up feature. After selecting “Social Worker” for License Type, type in your first and last name. If you are licensed, you should see your name with your license number. If your application process exceeds 6 weeks, we encourage you to reach out to your local state legislator and be persistent. Click here to find your legislator.

This section is for applicants who have not been licensed as an LCSW in Illinois before (or in another state).


LCSWs are authorized to independently practice clinical social work in Illinois under the auspices of an employer or in private practice.


You do not need CEUs to apply for the LCSW. NEW! As of spring 2024, for your first renewal, you may need to complete an Alzheimer's disease and other dementias training. See our CEU Requirements page and the section on More About the Specialty CEU Requirements for more information. You will need to accumulate CEUs for the second renewal of your license.


You will need to apply to the Illinois Department of Financial & Professional Regulation (IDFPR) which licenses and regulates all licensed professions in the state.

Step One: Fulfill the Requisites

To become an LCSW in Illinois, you must first fulfill/obtain the following LCSW licensure requirements:

  1. You must be of good moral character, and

  2. You must obtain a degree from a CSWE–approved graduate program of social work, OR a degree from a CSWE–approved doctoral program of social work.

Step Two: Earning Supervised Clinical Professional Experience

Once you have obtained a degree from a CSWE–approved graduate or doctoral program of social work, you can begin acquiring hours of supervised clinical professional experience under a licensed clinical social worker (LCSW):

  • If you obtained a degree from a CSWE–approved GRADUATE program of social work, you must complete 3,000 hours of supervised clinical professional experience.

  • If you obtained a degree from a CSWE–approved DOCTORAL program of social work, you must complete 2,000 hours of supervised clinical professional experience.


Of these hours, the required number of hours may be obtained in one of the following manners:

  • For full-time experience, a minimum of 30 hours per week but not more than 40 hours per week.

  • For part-time experience, a maximum of 29 hours per week.

For more information about supervision for the supervisee and supervisor, including the NASW-Illinois Chapter Supervisor Registry, check out our Supervision page.

Step Three: Complete LCSW Application for Licensure

Download the Licensed Clinical Social Worker Application

Once you have obtained the above requisites, you can apply for licensure. The application for licensure can be downloaded from the link above or from the Illinois Department of Financial & Professional Regulation (IDFPR) website. IDFPR’s Division of Professional Regulation licenses and regulates over 1 million professionals and firms in Illinois, including social work professionals.

Complete the application in full. We have included a comprehensive list below of sections to complete within the application. Please note these fields are subject to change in the event that IDFPR updates their application. See also our note further below re: a one-time waiver of the IDFPR application/renewal application fee.


Application for Licensure and/or Examination:

  • Part I, A | Check the box if you any of the options apply to you.

  • Part I, B | Profession Name: Licensed Clinical Social Worker / Profession Code: 149/ Licensure Method: Examination / Fee: $50.00. Note: As of 07/12/24, IDFPR has confirmed that for those applying utilizing the exam or exam alternative method, you should write in "Examination" for Licensure Method. This may change in the future—check instructions page of the application to see if a new option has been added.

  • Part I, C | Select the box that applies to you.

  • Part II | Complete your contact information. Please note if any of the supporting information you will be required to provide (like college transcripts) will be different than the name you provide in this section; you will also need to include in your application proof of your name change. Additionally, be sure to provide a personal e-mail address you have direct access to (i.e., not an e-mail account connected to your employer) as this will be the e-mail address the department will contact regarding updates to your license including renewal notices.

  • Part III | Complete sections 1–7 with your high school and college information.

  • Part IV | List all previous licenses you have had including related licenses and the state where you acquired the license. If you have never previously had a social work license or related license, mark this section with “N/A.”

  • Part V | You must include all previous attempts and requested information in this section at this time. If you have never taken the ASWB exam for the LCSW, mark this section with “N/A.”

  • Part VI | Answer all questions regarding your personal history.

  • Part VII | Skip this section as it is not applicable for LCSWs .

  • Part VIII | You must answer each question in this section.

  • Part IX | Sign and date the document.

  • Don't forget to write your name, social security number or ITIN, and “Licensed Clinical Social Worker” on the right-hand border of your application where requested.

Supporting Documents:

  • If your name differs on any supporting document than what you provided in Part II of the application, you must include proof of name change (marriage license, divorce, court orders, etc.).

  • If you selected yes to any question in Part V of the application, include signed written statements, supporting documents, and/or certificates as requested.

  • ​As of July 2024, IDFPR department officials have confirmed that they will accept official digital signatures on the ED, VE-SW, and CT forms. They will also accept a digital signature on paper applications.

NOTE: The following forms are included within the IDFPR application:

PHQ – Health Care Workers Additional Personal History Questions

  • Complete sections 1 through 4.

  • Check the box next to “Social Worker, Clinical (LCSW)”

  • Answer questions 1–4. If you select yes to any of these questions, you will need to provide the requested documentation.

  • Sign, date, and include your e-mail address.


ED – Certification of Education

  • Complete sections 1–8 (#5 = Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Code 149)

  • Sign and date the form.

  • Give this form to your school to complete, sign, and return to you. Then include in your application.


VE-SW Form – Verification of Employment/Experience

NOTE: You will need to print and complete TWO duplicates of this form, one to submit to IDFPR and the second to retain for your records. Both forms MUST have original signatures from your supervisor(s); do not photocopy as the department will not accept forms with photocopied signatures.

Update 02/12/2024: It's been brought to our attention that the last line in Section N ("The experience was conducted in accordance with Rules 86 IAC Section 1470.20(b).") should actually refer to Rules 86 IAC Section 1470.20(a). The department has been notified about this error, however, the form may still be used for your application.

  • Complete sections 1–10 (#5 = Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Code 149)

  • If you are applying to take the ASWB clinical exam, complete the steps below; if not, see next bullet point:

    • Section 11, select, "3000 Supervised Clinical Hours for LCSW."

    • Supervisor, Part I: Have your supervisor complete sections A through L, N, and P in both forms, then return to you two sealed envelopes. One envelope should be included with your application; the second envelope should be stored for safekeeping. Make sure to inform your supervisor that they must provide signatures on both forms as photocopies will not be accepted by the department. If you had more than one job, have every supervisor complete these forms for each job totaling your required hours.

    • Part 1, Section B: For this purpose, it must be a licensed clinical social worker (LCSW).

  • If you have already taken the ASWB clinical exam and are utilizing the exam alternative, complete the steps below:

    • Section 11, select, "Exam Alternative for LCSW."

    • Supervisor, Part I: Have your supervisor complete on both forms sections A through G; H should be marked "Not applicable,"; I through L, O, and P, then return to you in two sealed envelopes. One envelope should be included with your application; the second envelope should be stored for safekeeping. Make sure to inform your supervisor that they must provide signatures on both forms as photocopies will not be accepted by the department. If you had more than one job, have every supervisor complete these forms for each job totaling your required hours.

    • Part I, Section B: For this purpose, it should be a licensed clinical social worker; however, if an LCSW is not available, an LCPC, LMFT, LCP, LP, or APPN may be selected. NOTE: The form currently lists an LSW or "Other" field; however, neither can sign off on professional experience for the Exam Alternative for the LCSW and should not be used.

CT Form – Certification by Licensing Agency/Board (Only complete this form if you have a license in social work in another state and wish to transfer it)

Step Four: Submit Completed Forms and Fees to IDFPR, Complete Forms and Fees to CTS and ASWB, and Take the ASWB Clinical Exam

Once you have completed the IDFPR application for licensure with ALL supplementary documentation and have the applicable application fee (currently $50.00)*, mail everything to IDFPR (see mailing address in application). IDFPR should notify you within a few weeks if your application is accepted for pre-approval to sit for the ASWB Clinical exam).

*If you are submitting a paper application you can now pay this fee online at

UPDATED 01/10/25: We have updated the below section based on new information that the department has added a new step ​to the pre-approval process. Please check back as new information and clarification is provided by the department.

Once you’ve received notice from IDFPR, applicants now need to apply to Continental Testing Services, Inc. (CTS), then ASWB.

Applying to Continental Testing Services, Inc. (CTS):

  1. Go to the CTS website:

  2. Click on State of Illinois Examinations.

  3. Under "IL Division of Professional Regulation," select 149 - Clinical Social Workers from the list of professions.
    3. Scroll down to the Apply Online button, and complete the online examination application.

There is a $107.00 fee associated with the CTS application.

IDFPR has informed us that after waiting 7-10 business days after completing your registration with Continental Testing Services (CTS), you can then register to take the clinical exam with ASWB.

Applying to ASWB:

  1. Go to the ASWB website:

  2. Complete steps to register for the exam.

There is a $260.00 fee associated with the ASWB exam.

For those seeking accommodations: For those who need special services and testing accommodations to take the ASWB exam, please see our FAQ below on how to request accommodations.

Within two days of completing your registration, ASWB will send you an Authorization to Test email. The email will include information about scheduling your testing appointment with PSI.

Taking the ASWB Exam

If you receive a passing score on the ASWB clinical exam, your test results will automatically be sent to IDFPR who will complete processing your licensure application. If you do not receive a passing score on the ASWB clinical exam, you may continue to retake the exam until you receive a passing score, or you may want to explore whether the alternative to the ASWB clinical exam is right for you.

Step Five: IDFPR Application Processing Times

The best way to check on the status of your application is to contact IDFPR directly. Additionally, you can go to the IDFPR website and use the License Look Up feature. After selecting “Social Worker” for License Type, type in your first and last name. If you are licensed, you should see your name with your license number. If your application process exceeds 6 weeks, we encourage you to reach out to your local state legislator and be persistent. Click here to find your legislator.

What if you still have an active application (less than 3 years old) and want to use the Alternative to the ASWB Clinical Exam?

If you have an ACTIVE application, meaning you applied for an LCSW within the last three years, you can bypass completing the entire application and just complete the new updated VE-SW form. Completed forms (signed by your supervisor) can be emailed to or mailed to: IDFPR, Health Services Section, 320 W Washington St., Springfield, IL 62786.

If your LCSW application is over 3 years old, you will need to complete the entire application again using the new verification form.

If you do not have verification of your clinical supervision hours with an original signature, you can complete one of the following:

  1. Submit your envelope that contained a duplicate copy of your original clinical supervision hours. If you do not have a duplicate copy, contact your former supervisor(s) and have them complete the verification form again.

  2. If you unable to contact your supervisor or cannot get them to re-sign your clinical supervision hours, submit photocopies of the form with a letter explaining why you are unable to get your former supervisor to sign off again. If you do not have photocopies of your original hours, send a letter explaining why you are unable to get your former supervisor to sign off again.


Include any supporting documentation you may have, including any e-mails you have with your supervisor, etc.

If you have made a good faith effort to get your former supervisor to re-sign the forms, then re-submit the application. While the department prefers verification with original signatures (no photocopies), they will evaluate your application and make a case-by-case decision.


For those deciding between retaking the exam or utilizing the alternative to the exam, some considerations should be taken into account. While other states are looking at passing alternatives to the ASWB clinical exam, applicants licensed in Illinois under this option may find that they cannot practice in other states that still require the exam. Some jobs may also require the exam for employment including some federal governmental positions and therapist jobs on border states that require multi-licensed professionals. Furthermore, the Social Work Licensure Compact will require the passage of a nationally accepted exam (currently the ASWB clinical exam) for participation.


It is important to note that applicants who are licensed utilizing the alternative path to the ASWB exam may practice as an LCSW in Illinois and retake the exam at a later date if future employment requires you to be licensed in other states. For all purposes in Illinois, whether you use your ASWB clinical exam score or the alternative to the ASWB clinical exam for licensure, you will be licensed as an LCSW with full practice authority of that license.

To qualify for the alternative to the ASWB clinical exam, an applicant must complete the following:

  • Taken the ASWB clinical exam at least once after January 1, 2019, and

  • Complete an additional 3,000 hours of professional experience obtained within the last 10 years  and have those hours signed off by an LCSW/clinical professional.** NOTE: These hours are not 3,000 additional clinical hours but rather professional experience hours which may consist of: social services to individuals, groups, or communities in any one or more of the fields of social casework, social group work, community organization for social welfare, social work research, social welfare administration. school social work, or social work education. Supervised professional experience may also include supervised clinical social work as described in Section 1470.20 of the Social Work Practice Act.

Beginning January 1, 2026, professional work experience hours must be acquired while you hold a valid LSW or PEL with School Support Personnel Endorsements in School Social Work. If you do not anticipate being licensed as an LCSW before January 1, 2026, we strongly encourage you to acquire your LSW or PEL with School Support Personnel Endorsements in School Social Work now.

**If an LCSW supervisor is unable to sign off on hours, the following professionals are qualified to sign off on professional experience: licensed clinical professional counselor (LCPC), licensed marriage and family therapist (LMFT), licensed clinical psychologist (LCP), licensed psychiatrist (LP), or licensed advanced practice psychiatric nurse (APPN).​


For those who are interested in a course to help them prepare for the ASWB examination, the NASW-Illinois Chapter Social Work Licensure Test Review Course (formerly LSW/LCSW Review Course) is the longest running review course in the state. Highly rated by our participants, this fast-paced, 8-hour course covers the format and structure of the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) clinical examination as well as the most current content areas as determined by the ASWB for licensure. Participants can expect this course to be an interactive, discussion-led review of testing topics, case studies, and additional reading materials that will help you identify areas you may need to review in your knowledge base before taking the ASWB exam rather than a complete overhaul of everything learned in school. Practice questions will be reviewed to illustrate test-taking strategies and reinforce content material. Access to the NASW-IL–proprietary manual is available to course registrants only.


For a list of upcoming review course dates, check out our Licensure Review Course page.

DISCLAIMER ABOUT THE ASWB EXAM & OUR LICENSURE REVIEW COURSE: In light of the recent ASWB disclosures regarding disparities caused by a biased test, the NASW-Illinois Chapter has transitioned our licensure review course to a zero budgeted profit event similar to our annual Advocacy Day by reducing fees nearly in half. These new rates and updated policies will hopefully aid applicants in passing a clearly flawed exam. Preparation courses like the NASW-Illinois Chapter Social Work Licensure Test Review Course cannot replace the fact that the ASWB test is inherently biased and discriminatory. While we will continue to offer this course as the ASWB exam is still required for licensure, it is essential to note that your test results do not reflect your knowledge and future performance as a social worker, nor do we believe that the ASWB exam should be used for such



TRANSFERRING YOUR LICENSE (Currently licensed in another state)

This section is for applicants who currently hold an equivalent social work license in another state.

If you are licensed in another jurisdiction and are looking to obtain the equivalent LSW or LCSW credential in Illinois, you may apply for either license by following most of the steps listed above for either the LSW or LCSW licenses, save the exceptions listed below:

For BOTH LSW & LCSW applicants:

IDFPR Application:

  • Endorsement: One difference for applicants already licensed in another jurisdiction is that you may utilize the “Endorsement” option for your Licensure Method on the IDFPR licensure application (see Part I, B, #3). The licensure application fee for this option is $200. You can find more information about the Endorsement option on page 2 of the IDFPR application.

  • Proof of Examination: Additionally, if you hold an equivalent license in another state, you do not need to provide proof of passage of the ASWB examination on the IDFPR application. Clinical Social Work and Social Work Practice Act, Section 12.5 Endorsement

LCSWs Applicants ONLY:

If you are “licensed at the independent level in another United States jurisdiction for 5 consecutive years without discipline,” you do not need to submit proof of completion of education and supervised clinical professional experience. Instead, you must submit certified verification of licensure from the jurisdiction in which you practice as well as comply with all other licensing requirements and pay all required fees.

While we understand that extenuating circumstances make it so that it's difficult for people to fulfill requirements for licensure renewal, we at the NASW-Illinois Chapter ultimately do not recommend letting your license lapse. This is due to the excessive costs and effort required to restore a license after it has lapsed. Additionally, when you do reinstate/restore your license, it will only be reinstated/restored from the the date the department grants reinstatement/restoration forward—that is, your license not be backdated for the period of time during which your license was lapsed.

However, if you have let your license lapse, there are steps for REINSTATING or RESTORING your license:  

You must REINSTATE your license if you have let your license lapse or put your license on hold for less than 5 years. To reinstate your license:

  • Download the IDFPR Request for Reinstatement of Illinois License application here and complete it.

  • Call the DPR call center (800.560.6420) to inquire about any fees and additional documentation that may be required for your specific reinstatement.


NOTE: IDFPR is currently waiving fees for reinstating licenses that have been inactive or expired for five years or less until January 1, 2028. Click here to learn more.

You must RESTORE your license if your license has lapsed for more than 5 years. To restore your license, you must contact the IDFPR call center (800.560.6420) or e-mail to request instructions, forms, and fees (as stated in IDFPR licensee application). Please note restorations CANNOT be completed on IDFPR's online portal. It may take as many as 6 to 8 weeks to get your customized restoration form which will list out all of your restoration requirements and fees.

For more details on seeking restoration of a license (LCSW or LSW), review the Social Work Rules (Section 1470.80 Restoration).

LSW Exam
Test Prep for ASWB Exam
LCSW Processing
LSW Processing



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