Patricia Schofield, Jane Addams District Chair

Greetings Jane Addams District Members
I’m certain many of us are mandatory workers while others are home sheltering, yet between those two roles there are so many different hats we put on for so many who need so much. These challenges are so different from anything we ever thought we would be doing. It is overwhelming when I think of all the trials people are having to go through during these dark days. Please know you are all included in my thoughts and prayers.
Like it or not, time always moves on so welcome April 2020. Since all chapter and district events have been canceled, the chapter is turning their attention to virtual trainings. More to come on that.
Another idea is bringing our district members together in a virtual gathering. Please let me know if you would like to participate. I think it would be a great way for getting to know each other, provide mutual support, and share resources and community news. Please just a quick e-mail to let me know you are interested.
Don’t forget to vote! Elections for the 2020 NASW-Illinois Chapter Board of Directors began on April 1st. Please check the chapter website for the full election slate as well as bios for each of the candidates. Ballots were emailed to all. All need to take part in your chapter election!
While looking for something hopeful to write about, I checked the NASW-Illinois Chapter website and thought that maybe I could share a few items. Some of you may have found these gems already, but for those of you who generally are too busy to explore, I will take a moment and highlight some of the wonderful opportunities NASW offers its members. Actually if you never checked out all the benefits I suggest you follow this link:
I chose a few things I thought would be useful during this time of distancing and sheltering.
NASW Approved CE Courses link:
For those of you interested in political action check out the advocacy link:
Have you joined MyNASW? This is a virtual community where you can learn from peers, share your knowledge and grow your connections. Post questions and participate in discussions. Find colleagues using the member directory. Browse resources shared by NASW staff and other members.
Did you know that NASW host podcasts? Have you ever heard of Veterinary Social Work? Well, I listened to Elizabeth B. Strand, PhD, LCSW, Director of Veterinary Social Work University of Tennessee. Enlightening!
Learn how to get started listening to podcasts, and why you should.
As you can tell by this update support has been and is on my mind. Remember we all need it. Be well and be safe.

Patricia Schofield
Jane Addams District Chair
Cell: 309-540-9915