Melissa Box, LCSW, LSOE, LSOTP East Central District Chair

Welcome Back!
Thank you to everyone for your patience during my semi-absence these past couple months. As I navigate welcoming my fourth (!) child into the world, I appreciate your grace and understanding.
We had a fantastic ethics CEU event in March, a wonderful turnout, and an impressive speaker. I was delighted to meet some of of you there! Thank you to everyone who attended and made the event possible, including our presenter Sandie Kopels, JD, MSW, as well as to ABC Counseling who helped sponsor the event and found the meeting space. Now, I am back and ready to plan our fourth quarter networking event! Keep your eyes peeled for something planned during the beautiful spring months.
2023 NASW-Illinois Chapter Elections
The 2023 NASW-Illinois Chapter Elections will take place from April 1–30, 2023. Keep an eye on your e-mail for a link to the electronic ballot. Be sure to have your selections prepared before opening the electronic ballot. To read about the candidates, click here:
Rules Filed to Remove In-Person CE Requirement
We are continuing to receive (and anticipate lots more questions) about the removal of the in-person CE requirement. While there is no update yet to announce, we are still continuing to share our last article about the removal. Read more here:

Other Chapter News
March 2023: NASW-Illinois Chapter Advocacy Update -
Social Work Profession One Step Closer to Interstate Licensure Compact:
Ask NASW-IL: Will this course count for CEUs in Illinois? -
Update on the Social Work Interstate Compact (2/14/23):
All the best,
Melissa Box, LCSW, LSOE, LSOTP
East Central District Chair