Patricia Schofield
Jane Addams District Chair
Hello All,
Hoping everyone is enjoying summer temperatures and outside activities. A big welcome to all new members.
We are looking forward to bringing you another program in early October. Watch for information. Remember this is a renewal year so be sure that you are tracking your CEU’s. Know that you can receive 20 CEU’s by attending the 2019 NASW-Illinois Chapter Statewide Conference November 5-7, 2019. In Wheeling. Information and registration: Hope to see many of you there.
Is everyone aware that NASW is running a New Member Referral Campaign? If you successfully recruit a new or former member between now and October 31st, you will receive a special gift. But more importantly you will help make our organization stronger. Get all the specifics on the NASW-Illinois Chapter website.
Enjoy the rest of summer.