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July 2021 - Chicago District Update


Michael Mallory, Chicago District Chair

Happy summer, Chicago District!

I hope all of you are enjoying the summer so far and have been able to return to some previous self-care activities now that our city is opening back up. I’m sure many of you are ready to see friends, family, and other loved ones that you may have been unable to see due to the pandemic. Although we are still living through this seemingly dystopian time, it is only normal to want to jump back into our old routines. That said, continue to exercise caution while out and about as we are seeing the more virulent Delta variant spread in Illinois.

As a reminder, this is the last month to submit nominations for our annual NASW-Illinois Chapter Social Work Awards. We are looking for outstanding individuals whose work has supported and promoted the social work profession and the people it serves. Nominations will be accepted through Friday, July 30, 2021. Find out more HERE.

Also, the Chicago District is currently preparing to begin recruiting various employers to participate in our virtual job fair. An e-mail will be distributed separately with the registration information. If YOU are a hiring manager or know individuals at different organizations who may benefit from participating, please feel free to link them to me so that I can reach out to them directly. Additionally, when the e-mail is distributed, please feel free to share with colleagues who are looking for work.

In terms of other events, this is a reminder that the 2021 Multistate NASW Conference registration is now open. This year’s biannual conference is going national! This year’s A Meeting of the Profession: 2021 Multistate NASW Conference will be hosted with our sister chapters in North Dakota and Nevada. Taking place on October 21 & 22, 2021, up to 8.0 CEUs will be available over the two afternoons. Join us for a virtual day of education with social workers from all over the US as we explore the latest advancements in the social work profession in 2021! To learn more click HERE.

Additionally, there are a few items I’d like to mention. I recently saw a post on a colleague’s LinkedIn profile about an HRSA student loan forgiveness program. Please click HERE to access the informational document if you’re interested. Also, I am currently working on a small support group for LGTBQ+ folx that are in relationships that may need support processing challenges they face in their relationships. This project has some up in response to the pandemic and its impact on relationships. Individuals having been isolating with their significant others may have experienced some tension or rifts in the relationship, and this group is to help folx gain support in the challenges they’ve experienced. If you are interested in hearing more about this and would like to share the survey, please reach out to me.

Thank you all for your continued dedication to our work as social workers and especially for your continued dedication to the populations you serve.

Until next time,



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