Lynn Zakeri, Northeastern District Chair

Here we go… I think I had this idea that we would be back to normal come the new school year when March happened, but as the months progressed, I learned that normal is a really naïve idea for so many reasons. I participated in our board meeting last month when the national NASW president Mit Joyner was able to virtually join us. She was not only a terrific speaker, she was smart and presented so many ideas. She talked about how part of our role as social workers is that of forward thinkers. I was captivated by her forward thinking. If she leads the way, I think I may follow her anywhere. It made me miss the old-normal much less and gave me so much hope for new ways—with social workers leading the charge.
We have a fall virtual event planned. It will be at 1:00pm on October 8, 2020. You can read more and register here:
I have been wanting to do more trainings on attachments and how those that have difficulty trusting and forming intimate relationships are often impacted by complex trauma. I thought Cassie Walker really knew this topic, and they are sure to present an event full of information and ideas for us in terms of treatment.
I wanted to remind you to sign up for MyNASW. Are you wondering how you can become involved? What CEU requirements look like? What our local chapter is doing about social justice? Or how COVID-19 is affecting our work? It is all here, and if you can’t find your answer, a quick post will likely get you a response by a colleague with an answer. Here is an example of a post. This one is on licensure renewal:
The winners of our chapter statewide awards will be announced shortly. Teaser: we have a winner from our district!
Finally, one other event you might want to jump on:
Registration Open! Rethinking Ethics: 2020 NASW-Illinois Chapter Virtual Conference
This year’s Rethinking Ethics: 2020 NASW-Illinois Chapter Conference will be taking place on Thursday, November 19, 2020, in an all virtual format. Meet with other social work professionals from around the state to earn up to 6 CEUs, including licensure requirements for ethics and trainings on sexual harassment prevention and mandated reporting. Read more and register here:
